Strawberry N’ice Cream
The days are getting warmer here in Sacramento. It’s time for something cool, creamy, and refreshing. I have the perfect vegan treat for you, and it is This N’ice Cream. It is ALL fruit and the base bananas. N’ice Cream is by far the easiest and healthier alternative to its fatty, sugary counterpart ice cream. Enjoy my friends.
Welcome to February 2021
My Love, How does it feel? Were here one month into 2021. On my end … it’s going. I have to apologize, I know that I was silent in January. I was dealing with a lot. I have to thank the universe for the emotional kamikaze January brought to me it was enough for the whole year. It was like the leftovers of 2020 slammed down on me in ONE month. The good thing about life is that it’s a wild ride and we never know what is…
Plant-Based Diets Best For Health, Environment, And Athletic Performance
PCRM reports:Plant-based diets reduce chronic disease risk, require fewer resources, and do not hinder athletic performance, compared with omnivorous diets, according to a report published in Nutrients. The authors reviewed publications that compared nutrient density, athletic performance, disease risk, and environmental factors between those following vegetarian and omnivorous diets. Plant-based diets lower risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer while lowering cholesterol and oxidative stress levels. Vegetarian eating patterns require less land, water, and energy when compared to animal-based diets. Researchers observed no…