Orey’s Purrcast
Enjoy Orey’s talented purrrrrs!! They are purrfect!
January Monthly Inspiration is Celebrate
Celebrate what a wonderful word for the beginning of the new year let’s celebrate making it this far. Affirmation:I proudly celebrate my accomplishments and those of others. When I rise up, I inspire others to rise up too! Supporting actions:Make a list of all your accomplishments in this year. Review it at the end of the month, keep it going. Journal it out:Write about a time someone celebrated you for a big accomplishment, and how that made you feel.
VegEzy Live Podcast – Episode 3
Sorry for the delay my friends here is Dec 12th’s episode.
VegEzy Live Podcast – Episode 1
This is the first episode of VegEzy Live. In the first episode, Don and I talk about being Vegan for the holidays and toxic families. Enjoy, we had a lot of fun recording it.
VegEzy Live Podcast – Episode 2
This is the second episode of VegEzy Live. In the first episode, Don and I talk about a variety of things.
Welcome to 2020
Hello there- I hope you have settled into the new year and are enjoying it so far. Have you made any goals for the new year? I’m here to work with you. There is free coaching with your membership so why not take me up on this offer? My schedule is filling up quickly so click here and schedule a time. I’ve been spending most of this new year trying to organize, coordinate and project manage things. It can get overwhelming and that’s when I have to remind…
You got this
Just a little reminder that you got this. I know I haven’t been here much but I got this. Things in my life have been crazy and you haven’t been far from my thoughts my dear Patrons. I look at you and think to myself I have a group of great people here working hard to make their lives better. So if you haven’t heard this lately, I’ll tell you now… You are awesome, keep up the good work. Pick up one good habit and keep going with…
November Inspiration
November’s Inspiration focus is Intuition. I follow my intuition, and trust that it’s guiding me in the right direction. When I listen to my inner voice, all my needs and answers are met. Supporting actions: Listen to your heart, say no more often, get an intuitive reading. Journal it out: When in the past have you listened to your heart & made the right decision? What is your intuition telling you now?
Do you like my artwork?
Happy December. I have a lot going on and to keep track of it I have this mind map of a garden 🌺 that is in my head. I have all these little projects in various stages that need to be watered, and loved. This month I am super busy working on bringing you content. I’m almost there but now I don’t want to bombard the world with everything right away but I kinda do at the same time. Wouldn’t it be cool to have just one giant…
Intimate Share
I posted a blog to share with you guys. An intimate look at my life as a sick girl. I want to share it with you today. Here is the link.