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    Chick’n Pot Pie

    This pot pie is from my cookbook Vegan Cooking for Carnivores by Roberto Martin, I have made many recipes in this book but this is one I had been putting off, due to the fact that it had Gardein patties in it, making it a little less healthy. This recipe took a few times to get right. Practice makes perfect. The pie crust was a bit challenging because I’ve never worked with pie crust before, another challenge was that I never had pot pie ever so I didn’t know what…

  • Merveilloeufs

    NEW Vegan egg that cracks!

    A vegan egg that cracks? It looks like an egg and cracks like an egg. It is an egg but with a twist. It's vegan, and it is completely made cruelty-free. In 2017 French bio-industrial students Sheryline and Philippine asked people who had adopted a vegan diet what they were missing.  The answer they got was eggs!! Aware of those of us that are allergic or intolerant to eggs they set a goal: to become the first hens with green eggs! Merveilloeufs is the name. "They come in…

  • Soup

    Long Life Soup

    by Candle Cafe We are in the cold and flu season. I believe in boosting up my immune system with immune-boosting foods, opting out of the flu shot (I’ve never had one or the flu). This soup has been great for keeping up my immune system and fighting all those bad bugs we all encounter during the day. If you do start feeling down I recommend cooking this up it helps to fight off whatever it is that you may be coming down with. This soup is a…

  • Vegan Activism

    Greenprint for Animal Liberation

    After reading Ronnie Lee’s book I feel that it's my duty to share this jewel that he has in the appendices of his biography. I am sharing this for all of you who ask, what can I do to help the animals? Ronnie Lee has had over 40 years of experience working and campaigning for animal liberation in every capacity known and because of this he knows what works and what doesn't work. This is his Greenprint this is his call to action this is his opinion on…

  • tying his shoe
    Research Studies

    Plant-Based Diets Best For Health, Environment, And Athletic Performance

    PCRM reports:Plant-based diets reduce chronic disease risk, require fewer resources, and do not hinder athletic performance, compared with omnivorous diets, according to a report published in Nutrients. The authors reviewed publications that compared nutrient density, athletic performance, disease risk, and environmental factors between those following vegetarian and omnivorous diets. Plant-based diets lower risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer while lowering cholesterol and oxidative stress levels. Vegetarian eating patterns require less land, water, and energy when compared to animal-based diets. Researchers observed no…

  • Plant-Based Diet

    If The Plant-Based Diet Was A Pill

    ​by T. Colin Campbell, Whole Just how healthy is the Whole Foods plant-based diet? Let’s pretend that all its effects could be achieved through a drug. Imagine a big pharmaceutical company holding a press conference to unveil a new pill called Eunutria. They unveil a list of scientifically proven effects of Eunutria that includes the following: What about side effects, you ask? Of course there are side effects. They include: Those are just the side effects for individuals taking the pill. There are also environmental effects: How healthy…

  • Aimee's Apothecary

    Rose Oil Study

    Rose oil has many benefits my favorite example of how beneficial Rose oil can be is seen in how it can make someone feel. The journal Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice recently published a study that set out to prove these types of natural reactions to rose aromatherapy clinically. With a subject group of 28 postpartum women, the researchers separated them into two groups: one who would be treated with 15-minute sessions of a 2.5 percent solution of rose/lavender oil aromatherapy twice a week for four weeks, and a…

  • blackberries on my hanad 2014

    Organic Garden Blessings

    We planted a thorn-less blackberry bush about 2 years ago, It was very tiny and was not producing any berries and to our surprise, we have berries this year, they are nice and sweet and juicy and were so worth the wait. I love our organic vegan garden there is always a new surprise every day. Feeling blessed.